English information

General information NVBM

The letters NVBM stand for Nederlandse Vereniging ter Bevordering van de Meteorologie, the Dutch Society of the promotion of Meteorology. Members of the Society are professionals in meteorology, climatology, research and development, industry, management or training. The NVBM was founded on March 27, 1991 in De Bilt, Netherlands.

The aim of NVBM is improving quality in the meteorological professions in scientific, social en interhuman fields. This means working on improvement and maintenance of professional knowledge, acknowledgement of the profession, improving skills and strengthing bonds between members.

Members receive their magazine Meteorologica (Dutch only) four times a year and can visit the yearly (budget)meeting. At least once a year a symposium is organized on actual subjects, also raising an opportunity for social moments and networking. Several other activities are generated and all suggestions are welcome.

For more information, please contact:

Secretariaat NVBM
Postbus 464
6700 AL Wageningen

Mail: bestuur@nvbm.nl

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